Structure your time with "Leader Standard Work"

Have you heard about "Leader Standard Work"?

Production areas are places where a lot happens every day. Many different and extremely important processes have to be managed and a lot of information has to be processed. In addition, the people on the shopfloor are confronted with the fact that everything needs to run better and faster.

Production managers and their team leaders often feel as if their own time management and calendars are out of control. And exactly there is a risk that they could lose sight of the "planned path" and their goals. Therefore, organize yourself with "Leader Standard Work" and free your working day from unnecessary disruptions:

  • Give your day, your week, your month a solid structure with an individual checklist to stay on the "path"

  • Protect your time to focus on the development of your team and the productivity and quality of your production lines

  • Use standards to make your day lean - a kind of daily and weekly "choreography" for yourself and your teams

  • Have enough time for your key performance indicators in order to design and control your processes transparently

  • Also have enough time to understand your people and integrate their process knowledge to live the continuous improvement process

  • Use your freed up time and go to Gemba regularly and make notes about things you want to optimize with your teams

So finally finish your firefighting mode and structure your time with "Leader Standard Work". The picture shows you only first ideas - in reality your checklist will be much more detailed and individualized...

Start next Monday - it's your time you're wasting.


“Lean” als reine Toolbox?


Die versteckte Fabrik